Should shares held by the investor before the expiration of shareholding commitment need to be transferred for such specific reasons of bankruptcy, liquidation, mortgage, they may be transferred with the approval from the Ministry of commerce. 投资者承诺的持股期限届满前,因其破产、清算、抵押等特殊原因需转让其股份的,经商务部批准可以转让。
The contract executed by a creditor and a debtor for the continuous transaction of a specific commodity in a given period of time may be accompanied by a contract of mortgage of maximum amount. 债权人与债务人就某项商品在一定期间内连续发生交易而签订的合同,可以附最高额抵押合同。
Mortgage bond. Bonds secured by the pledge of specific assets fire called mortgage bonds. 抵押债券。以抵押特定资产作担保的债券称为抵押债券。
This paper compares various foreign MBS pricing method. Based on the specific conditions in China, the Monte Carlo simulation method is employed for studying the housing mortgage loan securitization products and establishing its own model. 通过比较国外各种MBS定价的方法,根据我国的具体情况,运用蒙特卡罗模拟法,对我国的住房抵押贷款证券化产品进行实证分析,建立自己的测算模型。
To reform our country's law system of the right of things, the specific statement of it should be perfect and the right of use, the right of draft of land, the right of mortgage should be taken into account. 要重塑我国用益物权的体系,须完备用益物权的具体形态,宜将使用权、地役权、典权纳入用益物权体系。
Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a specific and in-depth analysis about the main facing risks of the reverse mortgage development in China, from both the qualitative and quantitative aspects. 因此,有必要首先对影响反向抵押贷款定价的主要风险因素从定性及定量两方面做具体而深入的探究,进而实现产品的合理定价。
Beginning solves the specific issues in process of policy mortgage. 开始着手解决保单质押过程中的具体问题。
Based on the above describes in the specific implications of China equitable mortgage and compares it with related systems. I reach the conclusion that equitable mortgage is equivalent to alienation guarantee. 在以上基础上介绍我国楼花按揭的特有含义,并将之与相关制度进行比较,得出楼花按揭相当于让与担保的结论。
Combined with the counter guarantee specific application, this article believes that guarantee, mortgage and pledge could be applied to counter-guarantee, while deposit and lien could not be applied to counter-guarantee on the basis of relevant theoretical research. 在相关学者理论研究基础之上,结合反担保具体应用实践,本文认为保证、抵押和质押可以适用于反担保,留置和定金不适用于反担保,并且反担保的具体方式取决于本担保的方式。
It is regarded as the most tolerant and most convenient means because of the specific characteristics like not transferring the possessions of guaranties, accepting the mortgage of future properties and allowing the guarantor to deal with properties freely within certain framework. 以其不移转担保物的占有,可以未来财产作抵押,且允许担保人在一定范围内自由处分财产为显著特征,被称为最具包容力且最为便利的一种担保手段。
After identify the parties, the paper continues discuss the specific conditions to set a policy mortgage. 在质押当事人确定以后,本文继而对以保单设定质押的具体条件进行论述。